20 Positive Money Affirmations to Attract Financial Peace

You attract it easily.

I am financially free.
money is no longer an issue.
i have more than i will ever need.
i am free to do what i want.
i am generous with what i have.
Money is not a worry!

Money flows to me from multiple sources.
Money comes quickly and easily to you.

Money flows to me easily, frequently and abundantly.
Money finds its way to you.

I now live, feel and expect an abundance of money.

I have a great relationship with money;
it loves me and fills my pockets.
Let it fill it up!

My income is constantly increasing.
money flows easily into life.
there is always more than enough.
Money is there.

My business gets better and better every day.
my income increases every month.
i work when i want, where i want
and with people i want to work with.
I set the limits.

Money mantras
i am very very rich.
people love giving me money.
money always finds its way to me.
i feel like a million bucks.
there’s plenty where that came from!
Money is there for you.

I am open to money coming to me
from new ways that i’ve never imagined.
You await it.

Unexpected money simply falls into my laps.
It just arrives when needed!

I have more money coming in than going out.
A positive money affirmations to keep you working.

Becoming rich is easy.
You can do it.

I prosper wherever i turn.
You make gold.

I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
You are in tune with the universe’s financial gifts.

It’s safe for me to become a millionaire.
Positive money affirmations to help you reach it.
You release worry of money.

Every day i am attracting and saving more and more money.
You do.

I can afford anything i want in life.
Spending is not a concern for you.

I receive prosperity and abundance in my life and my work.
i declare that my finances are multiplying
+ everything i touch turns to gold.
Positive money affirmations that changes your mindset.

It’s safe for me to spend money on “selfish things”.
You deserve it.

I am worthy of making more money.
You are. And will!