21 New Inspirational Quotes for You to Love and Share
And the respect.
Keep trying, keep experimenting!

Be a better person than you were yesterday.
And the next day, and the next day.

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life,
but i am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.
–walt disney
Do great anyway.

When you write stories of your life,
don’t let any else hold the pen.
Only you can write the story.

Every time you are able to find some humor
in a difficult situation, you win.
It can be hard but try. Nothing is forever.
So go out and there start being amazing!

Characterize people by their actions
and you will never be fooled by their words.
They tell you who they are by the actions.

6+3 = 9
but so does 5+4.
the way you do things isn’t always the only way
to do them. Respect other people’s way of thinking.
Not everyone is the same and that’s awesome.

When someone else’s happiness is your happiness,
that is love.
-lana del rey
Be happy for them.

Sometimes it’s better to react with no reaction.
That says more than words.

Your mind is a garden.
your thoughts are the seeds.
you can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.
What will you grow?
It’s the price of genius.

What you get by achieving your goals
is not as important as what you become
by achieving your goals.
–zig ziglar
You achieve and become so much.

Knowledge is power,
but enthusiasm pulls the switch.
That enthusiasm is everything.
Sometimes the story changes.

Enjoy life today,
yesterday is gone & tomorrow may never come.
Just savor it all.

You were born with the ability to change someone’s life,
don’t ever waste it.
You can do so much.

Without the ego,
there is awakening.
Let it go.

A wise man makes his own decisions,
an ignorant man follows public opinion.
Don’t follow.

Too many people undervalue what they are,
and overvalue what they’re not.
Consider this.