22 Amazing Quotes That Are Both Motivational and Inspirational

“maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or
someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid
to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt
because it matters. ”
–john green
What matters to you?

“we write down made-up stories to tell the truths
we wish we could say out loud. ”
Will we be brave enough?

For the highs and lows and moments between,
mountains and valleys,
and rivers and streams,
for where you are now
and where you will go,
for “i’ve always known,”
and “i told you so,”
for “nothing is happening,”
and “all has gone wrong,”
it is all in this journey
you’ll learn to be strong.
and to get where you’re headed,
you’re right where you belong.
–morgan harper nichols
Just keep on.
You should keep a calm mind.

“keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things. Your curiosity will lead you down the path of success. ”
–walt disney
Wise advice from a creative man.
It’s a great gift.

“always remember someone’s effort is a reflection
of their interest in you. ”
What are they saying?
It might make things easier.

“prove yourself to yourself, not others. ”
It can be hard.

When it hurts – observe. Life is trying to teach you something.
-anita krizzan

“think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail.
failure is another stepping stone to greatness. ”
–oprah winfrey
A queen rises.
Oh but just imagine!

“if there is no way, create one. ”
Forge a path.
Let that fire blaze.

“i’m going to do what i want to do. I’m going to be
who i really am. And i’m going to figure out what that is. ”
–stephen chbosky, perks of being a wallflower
It’s up to me. Not you.

“each new chapter of our lives requests an old
part of us to fall and a new part of us to rise. ”
-jenna galbut
And oh what a rise it will be.

“someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. ”
–warren buffet
What will you plant for someone else?

“i don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living. ”
-richard branson

“you cannot rise without recognizing
what you are rising from. ”
-athena laz
What are you shedding?

“unfollow anyone — on social media
and in real life — who does not make you feel empowered, informed,
or inspired. ”
Only keep the ones who light your soul.

“sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. ”
-robert tew
But push.

“having clarity will make your life 10000x better. ”
– unknown
You’ll see things you didn’t see before.

“be bold enough to use your voice, brave
enough to listen to your heart, and
strong enough to live the life you’ve always imagined. ”
–a. A. Milne, winnie the pooh
Be brave.

“create a vision that makes you wanna jump
out of bed in the morning. ”
-ella henderson
Get that goal!