23 Autumn Equinox Memes You’ll Fall in Love With

Vernal Equinox is to blame!

Let the pumpkin obsessions begin!

Falling for autumnal equinox.

Celebrate the autumn equinox with a bold fall fashion statement!

Judgemental look from your cat says it all!

Seriously into celebrating fall equinox.

Beleafing is half the battle.

Falling head over heels in the leaves!

Playing with your food in a decorative kind of way for fall!

You know it’s fall equinox when…

Time to take stock of your hard earned summer savings.

Follow natures example and declutter for the winter!

Poems for the autumnal equinox.

A moment of silence during fall equinox for the FALLen ones.

Falling for Chicago!

And greetings from the South!

Praise be upon them!

Stillness and inner peace…

So… is it time to wake up?

Welsch mythology noob.

Cuteness bringing happiness!

Ancient witches tradition.

On the subject of witches…