24 Inspirational Quotes About Yourself You Need to Hear
That’s the secret.
Do it now.

When you are content to be simply yourself
and don’t compare or compete,
everyone will respect you.
–lao tzu
Focus on yourself.

Don’t limit yourself to someone else’s opinion
of your capabilities.
be you. Dream, plan, execute!
-dr. steve maraboli
You are your own limit.

Don’t lose yourself in your fear.
Don’t get caught up, do it.
Keep your head.

You make a new life by making new choices.
What will they be?

An empty lantern provides no light.
self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.
Shine brightly when you can.
They don’t know.

Take every chance you get in life,
because some things only happen once.
-karen gibbs

Put yourself at the top of your to-do list
every single day and the rest will fall into place.
Think of yourself.
That’s strength.
You are stronger than you know.
So much.
Stay through it.

Focus on your goal.
don’t look in any direction but ahead.
Keep going.

Don’t lose your fire.
Nope, let it ignite you!

Life is like riding a bicycle,
to keep your balance, you must keep trying.
-albert einstein
Just keep trying.

Action always beats intention.
Do it. Don’t just mean to do it.

When is NOW.

I don’t regret the things i’ve done.
i regret the things i didn’t do
when i had the chance.
Take the chance, don’t regret!

The universe will keep hitting you with the same lessons
in cycles until you learn.
Have you learned yet?

Quietly working.
quietly growing.
Getting things done.

A bad attitude is like a flat tire.
if you don’t change it,
you’ll never go anywhere.
Think about it.