29 Inspirational Quotes to Lift You Up
You never can. So go on being you.

“darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light
can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love
can do that. ” –martin luther king jr.
It’s a hard fact to remember.

“just because you took longer than others, doesn’t
mean you failed. Remember that. ” -unknown author
Everyone has a different path.

“you have to get to a point where your mood
doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of
someone else. ” -unknown author
You shouldn’t have your feelings changed based on the actions of others.
Do it. You owe yourself.

“before you speak, let your words pass through
three gates: is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? ”
-unknown author
Think of these three things.

“note to self: make less pretty crap. Make more stuff with heart, soul, and voice. ”
-unknown author
Make more.

“friendly reminder that “doing your best” does not mean working yourself to the point of mental breakdown. ”
-unknown author
Just keep going but break when you need it.

“never lose your sense of wonder. ”
-author unknown
It’s one of the best things about you.

“if it was good, remember it happily. If it was
bad, remember it as a learning experience.
never regret; always improve. ”
-author unknown
Take the lesson and move on.
Egotism gets you nowhere.

“practice the pause. When in doubt, pause.
when angry, pause. When tired, pause. ”
-unknown author
Remember the pause.
Have real friends.
You are brave.

“speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest,
most beautiful and magical humans on
earth, for what they believe is what they will become. ”
-brooke hampton
Let them believe and they will.

“we are our choices. ”
-unknown author
What are you choosing?

“when people treat you like they don’t care, believe them. ”
-author unknown
They aren’t worth it.

“you’re a fighter. Look at everything you’ve
overcome. Don’t give up now. ”
-olivia benson, law and order: svu
You can go on and do more.
Set a goal, set a habit and work.

“remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually
learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. ”
-author unknown
Just imagine all of the lessons.

“money cannot buy what truly matters in life. ”
-author unknown
It won’t give you these treasures.
Never stop learning.

“don’t ever feel bad for making a decision about your
own life that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. ”
-isaiah hankel
You can’t be the caretaker of others’ feelings.

“some talk to you in their free time and some
free their time to talk to you. Learn the difference. ”
-author unknown
Take what they give. Give what they take.
They’re out there.

“it’s a trap to be fueled by praise or defeated by criticism. Neither define you. We’re constantly becoming, changing, growing – so nobody’s opinion can embody who you are. Don’t commit to approval, commit to growth.
the growth that takes place when no one is watching. The growth that outlives the opinions of people. There’s a stark contrast between making real self improvement and wanting to be noticed. ”
– brittney moses
Know that you will change. Know that you will grow. Embrace all of that mess and progress.

“i understood myself only after i destroyed myself. And only in the process of fixing myself, did i know who i really was. ”
-sade andria zabala
Sometimes you break down and build yourself anew.

“instead of trying to mend me i decided to enjoy me. Instead of trying to solve me i decided to discover me. It was one of the best decisions of my life. ”
-s. C. Lourie
Discover who you are this year.

“you are free, you are powerful. You are good, you are love. You have value, you have a purpose. All is well. ”
-abraham hicks
Find your purpose, and live it.