30 Funny Dreamy Memes From The Met Gala You Must See

Everyone turns into fashion gods lol

this looks painful lol

Anna Wintour or Meryl Streep? that’s the real question lol

When you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense

VIP – Very important Pigeon

Very on-brand lol

The most important guest

She killed it

How dare she

HAHAHAHA Kim is a harry potter fan too!

the wrong choices were made lol

They really all look the same

hahaha, Sleep Paralysis is the worst!

So true !!! why is this so accurate

If you know you know


She would have been best dressed for sure

Their faces say it all, Look at lewis LOL

She just needed a helmet to shape her head lol!

People really didn’t like this years theme lol

hahaha rupals drag race should have styled them

hahaha they actually were there, we just didn’t see them

all the men could do was wear suits lol, the women made it interesting

HAHAHA i feel so sorry for the assistants

And we will all continue to do so lol

hahaha I wonder if they knew who it was

Harry potter vibes

Why is this so accurate

Covid always messing up plans

this is a good question