30 Funny School Memes So Funny You’ll LOL with Friends

math teachers we always the worst lol

hahaha the guy in the middle isn’t having it

It become so easy

what were our moms thinking

Funny school memes that’s just too true…

teachers always tried to be funny

when you’re clueless in the test

felt like the end of the world when they called your parents

no clue , nothing at all lol

the suspense

When you thought you could wing it lol

hahaha English teachers made everything seem so deep


Public schools have some work to do

the poor teacher has no idea what about to go down lol

Listening to music while working is a trap lol

like ease into at least

Teachers hate back to school just as much as students

this makes school a bit more bearable

LOL oh joy

Fake it till you make it

Like Duuuh

It always worked though

This was the worst OMG!

when you pretend to look and hope the teacher will forget she asked lol

You have to believe him


This was the best part about going back to school

pick the closest answer and move on lol

surely this student get marks for creativity and humour lol