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30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic and Common Sense

6659Bf50E0224 Weird Funny Signs

When life gives you lemons, make a confusing sign.

30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

Instructions unclear, now I’m just standing here laughing.

30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

Whoever wrote this sign needs a nap.

665985836F0Ee 8S5Hnad5Jp291 700

Found the ultimate proof that common sense isn’t so common.

30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

Directions unclear, ended up at a comedy show.

6659890A12452 4Ehp8Hi5S1F71 700

This sign had one job, and it failed spectacularly.

30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

I’m no expert, but I think this sign is broken.

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30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

Please tell me someone got fired for this.

665986C617153 Fo5Wtrmfnv071 700

Looks like the sign writer was having a rough day.

When even the signs need a sense of humor.

30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense


66598F36956Dd 1Vso7Q8Me6861 700
66598De767C8C Pm7Qr8Lnpd191 700
66598Dbf3B59D 5B7Yvkgzbtp61 700
66598Db6Dcc03 2Jgvzs2Qaf1A1 700
30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense
30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense
30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense
66598B655Ec4F Angoeh3Mgz081 700
66598B4E581E1 B1Kipdc8R48A1 700
6659C45318Ca2 Weird Funny Signs
6659C44163C29 Weird Funny Signs
6659C3339Ffb7 Weird Funny Signs
6659C405Df655 Weird Funny Signs
6659C320Dbbbb Weird Funny Signs
6659C34F5A112 Weird Funny Signs
6659C3E65397D Weird Funny Signs 1
6659Bf50E0224 Weird Funny Signs 1
30 Hilarious Signs That Defy Logic And Common Sense

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