36 Funny Ukraine Memes that Stick it to the Russians

The frog’s prayer…

Who do you wanna be?

Pacifist Germany…

One of the best Funny Ukraine Memes – The Great Balls of Ukranaia…

Knock knock…. who’s there?

Neutral but against scumbags….

It’s a long application process…

And you’ve got bad breath…

Hero vs Zero

How about no?!?

Patriot or Patriot?

Marvel’s next franchise… Captain Ukrania

Snake island DEFIANCE!

Do it for Ukraine!

Give it your best shot…

True leaders.

Putin ate sh*t…

The James Webb Telescope is pointing the wrong way…

Putin is definitely feeling oppressed….

The true fears of Russia…

Rocky “Zelenskiy” Balboa…

What do you follow?

Precision weapons…

Russia got “Snake Island’d”…

The UN is all bark…

Avenger Endgame 3.

How Men in Suits act in theory vs real life…

Poutine gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside…

Snake island 1 – Russia – 0

Prayers are being answered.

Twitter and Ukraine joining forces.

And the wandering boyfriend version….

Ain’t working…

So over to you on the weather in Moscow….

Definitely Picasso…. except worthless…

The Frog’s Prayer.