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Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes

During times of crisis, there are always winners and losers. While governments around the world ready their stimulus packages for ordinary citizens, ranging from $1000 per adult to $18000 per household, let’s check out these Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes to see who’s “Winning” in this crisis!

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Purelle Cleaning Up

Purell is a private company, so we have no way to know whether they’re enjoying a sales boom in this crisis. But if empty store shelves and portable purell sanitizer dispensers popping up in every public location, it’s a safe bet that Purell is cleaning up.

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Cottonelle And Kleenex Cashing In

With hoarders grabbing toilet paper by the truck load, there are at least 2 companies, Cottonelle and Kleenex that are “rolling” in it.

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Pornhub Making BankThis company may not have the cleanest reputation, but we’re quite sure they’re cleaning up now…

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Netflix Goes Boom

Netflix on the other hand does have a much cleaner image. They’ve reported a nice uptick in new subscribers and current subscribers are spending more time watching.

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Amazon Makes It Rain

One company that’s no stranger to rain especially because of its name sake, is Amazon. With competitors having to close their stores and everyone having to shop from home, they’re definitely making it rain.

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Lysol Showing Money

Another company in the cleaning space making a clean get away is Lysol.

Funny Making Money From Crisis Memes  Central Banks Printing

Though not exactly a company, the central banks are trying to throw everything but the kitchen sink at the crisis to make sure the world economy doesn’t die. While they’re not strictly making money in the traditional sense, they’re making money in the literal sense with their printing press!

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