Hilarious Father’s Day Card Ideas
Having a hard time thinking of something clever or sarcastic to write to show your dad some gratitude or bring a smile to his face? Check out our hilarious Father’s Day Card Ideas collection below. You’ll be sure to share a laugh or two over with the best dad in the world! Happy Father’s Day!

Nostalgia is a b*tch ain’t it?

Get a medal for finishing last syndrome?

Sarcasm is the greatest form of flattery right? or imitation… or something.

Who said anything about favorites?

You’ve taught me well dad!

Total disasters!

For the man who has everything!

How GPS has become the great DAD enabler!

Sorry! I can’t be held responsible for what I may or may not have done as a child!

Yes it is.


You know where I get my looks from!

Sunday funday!

Swearing is a sign of intelligence.

Might as well tell it as it is.

Next Level Father’s Day Present!