Homeschooling Fails
Most parents are not cut out for teaching their own kids. That’s why we have school. Unfortunately the coronavirus COVID-19 had other plans and now we’re all doing double duty. Working from home AND homeschooling. For the uninitiated, teaching without any prior training could have some unintended consequences. Check out these hilarious Homeschooling Fails.
Homeschool Fail
— Jeremy Tate (@JeremyTate41) March 18, 2020
Homeschooling Tip from a self-proclaimed professional.
?????? Loving all the home school vids/post lol
— M (@Fekup) March 24, 2020
Kid can’t read, but he sure is honest!

Homeschooling sites crashing again as overnight fix fails #education #coronavirus
— The Courier-Mail (@couriermail) April 21, 2020
Kids, today’s lesson is IRONY.
Watched Outbreak last night with the kids = science class, I think they had a “aha” moment as to why all this hoopla. And of course, hate monkeys now. OK, learning fail. #coronavirus #homeschool
— Misha Santa Barbara (@mishasb) March 23, 2020
Didn’t think that one through… just don’t watch contagion next class.
I’ve been passed on this note written by a headteacher for parents trying to educate their kids at home. It is hugely helpful. (Pt 1)
— David Whitley (@mrdavidwhitley) March 24, 2020
Thanks… I bet the teacher wasn’t even wearing pants when they wrote this.

Yet another questionable “Art” class.
Every class has that one student. #homeschooling
— Matthew Rosati (@Mattrosati1) March 24, 2020
At least he’s writing.
I’m definitely winning at home schooling – sat in hammock watching these guys. Is it too early for a beer? #homeschooling
— Matt Hutchings (@MattHutchings10) March 25, 2020
I tried… and failed… why fight the wind.
Homeschooling is going well, 1 student suspended for fighting and 1 teacher sacked for drinking on the job. Easy peasy ?? #Homeschooling
— ⚽T⚽ (@gooner_toni1) March 23, 2020
Everybody wins!
Day 7 of #Homeschooling. Curriculum continues to drift, but the fort building is strong.
— Erica Ruliffson Schultz (@efr_schultz) March 25, 2020
It’s shop class… that’s right.