20 Smiling Dog Photos That Show Their Real Personality

This bulldog is very happy with life.

Smiling dog photo meets dog blep photo!

This basset hound is going to give Dumbo a run for his money.

Lovable Shih Tzu that just loves the lime light.

This smiling dog has probably been off his medicine a bit too long!

This smile reminds me of my favorite grand aunt. For some reason, all grand aunts seem to smile like this don’t they?

Talk about being satisfied with life.

Looking into the camera like it’s your first time!

This dog could use a good dog dentist!

Some say that owners and their dogs start looking more and more alike. I think they’re right!

This dog is so happy he discovered his ears are floppy and not pointy!

Smiling dog photo fit for a mugshot. Definitely guilty.

This is the OPPOSITE of crossed eyed!

If you’ve ever seen a smug dog…

While outwardly it may look like a smile, this dog is thinking about ending your life.

A proud toothy smile for the camera!

That moment when you just got a compliment and not sure what to say…

When you’re happy and you know it shake your head!

Just learning how to smile for the camera.

Oh please! Not another selfie!