21 Not My President Memes You’ll Love to Share For Year 2021
Well the election is almost done and dusted. Before the counting finishes though, the editors at TFB have decided to jump to the conclusion that President Trump has proven all pollsters wrong yet again, and pulled a come from behind election victory out of a hat. Just as Trump himself jumped to the same conclusion presumptuously and prematurely, we thought we can take this opportunity to presumptuously and prematurely release these NOT MY PRESIDENT MEMES for all voters, whether happy or disappointed, to share with their friends and family. Fire away!


Fidel Castro where are you in our moment of need?

Social Media has a habit of behaving like Karma…

Seen it all before…


There’s an easy way to fix your problem!

Priorities right?

Yep another not my president meme right here…

Sense and logic seem to be a recurring theme here…

Zooming in to shocked faces…

You got me there!

Isn’t it?

Is there a blue pill to fix that?

All the while sharing stimulus check memes…

Not politically correct, but it rhymes!

Prepare to get hosed.

That’s gotta hurt.

Can’t really dispute that…


Not my boss! Not my boss! There I said it!