22 Minion Quotes and Memes for All to Love

I’m going to retire and live off my savings.
what i’ll do the second day, i have no idea.
Big plans though for that first day.

Daughter: what is marriage?
mom: marriage is just a fancy word for
adopting an overgrown male child who
cannot be handled by his parents anymore…
Minion quotes and memes that pass on age old wisdom.

Everyone should believe in something.
i believe i should be on a beach drinking margaritas.
Believe in it with me. Help me achieve the dream.

People with blue eyes are kind hearted
and always look for the best in others.
they will love with all their heart
and are the type of people who are hard to forget.
they are the best at pretending to be
happy during hard times and will tend to
please others before themselves.
share if you have blue eyes or agree.
Minion quotes and memes for blue eyed girls!

Dear best friend,
just a daily reminder that you are beautiful
and i love you.
You should know.
A public service announcement in the form of Minion quotes and memes…

I’m an odd combination of
really sweet
don’t mess with me.
Deadly combination at times?

When you have a good heart:
you help too much,
you trust too much,
you give too much,
you love too much,
and it always seems like
you’re the one who gets hurt the most.
Remember that.

Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes
and roll down my cheeks!
Minion quotes and memes come in sappy versions too!

Patient: the problem is that obesity
runs in our family.
doctor: no, the problem is that
no one runs in your family.

I actually don’t need to control my anger.
everyone around me needs to control
their habit of pissing me off.
Seems simple.

Sometimes i wonder if love is worth fighting for.
then i look at you.
i’m ready for war.
I will battle for you!

Dear whoever is reading this
i hope you have a reason to smile today.
A great example of a pick me up minion quotes and memes!

When two people really care about each other,
they always find a way to make it work.
no matter how hard it is.
Yeah let’s stick it out!

I wish i could make the stupid out of …
and if you think this status is about you…
slap yourself for me!
It’s not.

summer: hair gets lighter.
skin gets darker.
water gets warmer.
drinks get colder.
music gets louder.
nights get longer.
life gets better.
Summer nights!

When i’m texting you,
you should know that i’m smiling.
You can’t see it, but know it.

Two golden rules to a happy marriage:
1. The wife is always right.
2. When you feel she is wrong,
slap yourself and read rule number 1 again.
Always right.

Today i got my happy pills and my
pissed off pills mixed up &
i think i took one of each.
so now i’m pissed off but i’m happy about it!
Sounds good.

If you rearrange the letters earth
it becomes heart.
so even if someone we love is no longer
on earth with us, we know that person
will always be in our heart.

You can find better than me,
worst than me.
but you’ll never find someone exactly like me.
That’s the gift of me.

The happiest people in life are the givers,
not the getters.
Which are you?