24 Funny Easter Memes to Look at While You Eat Your Kids’ Candy

Let’s get some eggs.

And 2021 too.

Avocados are pretty delish though.

Oh…oh no.

Mm, Peeps!

Did the cat try to eat the bunny?!

Who are you?


Wait, he was dead, they said!

Doggie see, doggie do.

Very niche Easter meme.

Don’t know where he went either.

Less creepy than Santa Claus.

Get those bunny baskets!

He gone.

Peter Rabbit‘s lesser cousin.

I can hear this picture.

But wait, there’s more.

Everyone in there looking for salvation.

Hello playtpus!

What’s up with that, they say.

Odds in your favor, yada yada.

Not just for Easter either.

Uno reverse!

Holidays greeting he share.

Guilty. But they’re great Easter memes.