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24 Funny Minion Wisdom Quotes

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Disturbed

A person who always disturbs you is the person who always loves you.

Treasure them!

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Awake

Due to unfortunate circumstances, i am awake.

It’s sad.

Minion Wisdom  Blessed

Every morning i wake up, i am blessed.
no matter how much drama is in my life or how much pain
my body may be in,
i know god is watching over me.

So blessed.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Family

You know your family has issues
when they delete you as a friend on facebook.

How could you?

Minion Wisdoms  Friendship

Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve known the longest
it’s about who came and never left your side.


Minion Wisdom Quote  Behave

Yeah, it is possible for me to behave.
i just don’t want to!

SO there!

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Don'T Worry

Don’t worry about what people say behind your back.
they are the people who are finding faults in your life
instead of fixing their own.

Ignore them.

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Minion Wisdom Quotes  Size

You don’t have to be skinny to be sexy or beautiful…
beauty is the size of your heart not the size of your jeans.


Minion Wisdom Quote  Awkward Moment

That awkward moment when someone skinnier than you says
i’m so fat.
and you just stand there like…

Just ignore it. 

Funny Minion Wisdom Quotes  Hurt

Some people will hurt you and then act like you hurt them.

So disappointing.

Funny Minion Wisdom  Mistakes

Don’t carry your mistakes around with you.
instead, place them under your feet and use them
as stepping stones to rise above them!

Rise above them.

Funny Minion Wisdom  Far Far Away

Where is far far away
and how do i get there?

Tell me!

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Barefoot Running

Let’s hear it for all the girls that grew up running around barefoot
jumping in mud puddles and not afraid to act like one of the boys.

You be you.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Moving On

I’ve decided to leave my past behind me,
so if i owe you money…
i’m sorry, but i’ve moved on.

It’s time.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Fun And Games

It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!!!

Is that how the minions happened?

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Rushing

Don’t rush me.
i’m still deciding whether to be productive today or not!

Survey says..

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Selfies

Thank god you posted a new selfie!
it’s been several hours, i was beginning to think you’d died!


Minion Wisdom Quotes  Bored

When i’m bored, nobody texts me.
when i’m busy bam!
i’m the most popular person on the planet!

Why so many texts?

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Revenge

I don’t like to call it revenge…
returning the favor sounds nicer.


Minion Wisdom Quotes  Changes

Not happy with your life, make some changes;
things not going your way, change your directions;
can’t find happiness in others, look within yourself.

Take the reins.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Crazy

There’s a fine line between crazy and free spirited
and it’s usually a prescription.

You got this though.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Younger

When i was younger, $20 felt like $100, now $20 feels like $1.

Oh yes.

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Laugh

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should
and let go of what you can’t change…

Let it go. All of it. 

Minion Wisdom Quotes  Scary Movies

Let’s watch a scary movie!
*hours later*
dude walk me to the bathroom…

You first.

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