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26 Great Share-Worthy Inspirational Quotes

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Less Than Average

If you give less than 100%,
don’t expect to become more than average.

Isn’t this a great example of share-worthy inspirational quotes?

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Things That Hurt

All the thing that hurt you,
actually teach you.

But it can hard to go through them anyhow.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Be Thankful For Hard Times

Be thankful for the hard times,
for they have made you.
leonardo wilhelm dicaprio

They shape you.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Don'T Be Upset

Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get
with the work you didn’t do.

It won’t show up if you don’t show up.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Don'T Judge

It took me a long time
not to judge myself
through someone else’s eyes.
sally field

It’s a hard habit to break.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  If Love Turns Lonely

If love turns lonely,
let go.

Let it go before it burns you.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  She Builds Up

She builds others up
because she knows what it’s like
to be torn down.

Share-worthy quotes about being selfless.

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Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Something Will Grow

Something will grow
from all you are going through.
and it will be you.

The possibilities of it all.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Daily Routines

You’ll never change your life
until you change something you do daily.
the secret of your success is found
in your daily routine.

What can you change today?

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Treats

When someone treats you like an option,
help them narrow their choices
by removing yourself from the equation.
it’s that simple.

Make the choice and the change.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  What Have You Given Back

At the end of the day,
it’s not about what you have
or even what you’ve accomplished…
it’s about who you’ve lifted up,
who you’ve made better.
it’s about what you’ve given back.
denzel washington

What will you give?

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  You Attract What You Are

You attract what you are,
not what you want.
if you want great,
then be great.

Worthy inspirational quotes to boost your self confidence.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  You Can Change Endings

You can’t go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.
c. S. Lewis

That’s the beauty of life.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  We Fear Unknown

We do not fear the unknown.
we fear what we think we know about the unknown.
-teal swan

We fear so much that we don’t even know.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Everything We Fear

Everything you’ve ever wanted
is on the other side of fear.

Take a breath. Step forward.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Fill Your Heart

So fill your heart!
with what’s important
& be done with all the rest.

You don’t need that extra.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Let'S Be Kind

We get so worried about being “pretty”.
let’s be pretty kind.
pretty funny.
pretty smart.
pretty strong.

Doesn’t this sound easier?

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Never Regret

You will never regret being kind.


Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Instead Of Looking

Instead of looking for the hundred reasons to quit,
look at the thousand reasons not to give up.

Share-worthy inspirational quotes to help you not give up.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Fear Dependent

Your fear is 100% dependent on you
for its survival.
-dr. Steve maraboli

Don’t let it thrive.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Be A Kind Person

Be the kind of person that makes other
people step up their game!

Let them rise to meet you.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  You Are Amazing

You are amazing.
remember that!

Sometimes you just gotta hear it.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Know Difference

Know the difference
between those who stay
to feed the soil
and those who come
to grab the fruit.

What will you tend? Pay attention.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Worth Knowing

You are worth finding,
worth knowing,
worth loving.
you + all your
one million layers.
always hold that close.

Hold it.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Scream I Am Worthy

Scream “i am worthy”
until the stars collapse
upon your brilliance.

Because you ARE.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  You Are Valuable

You are valuable because you exist
not because of what you do
or what you have done,
but simply because you are.
-max lucado

Remember that, repeat it, so you know it and believe it.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Worthy

To be worthy
does not mean to be perfect.
gerrit w. Gong

Worthy inspirational quotes to remember.

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Wear Flowers

I’d rather wear flowers in my hair,
than diamonds around my neck.

What delights can you find?

Worthy Inspirational Quotes  Tension Is Who You Are

Tension is who you think you should be.
relaxation is who you are.
-chinese proverb

Share-worthy inspirational quotes that transcend language barriers.

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