27 New Funny Minion Memes Clean Enough to Make You LOL at Work

This coffee is broken…
i’m still tired.
How can I get this to work?

I’m so tired
my tired is tired!
Oh it’s so bad.

I’m bored. Let’s go to walmart and superglue coins to the floor
and count how many people try to pick them up.

First person to complain it’s too hot this summer
gets punched!!
It’s better than the never-ending rain or snow.

Follow these things.

Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone
and then find out how ungrateful they really are?
You know you have. And then are you surprised?

Naps are tricky because you either wake up refreshed and relaxed
or you have a headache, dry throat and you are unaware of what year you’re in.
It’s a crap shoot.

Some people create their own storms,
then get upset when it rains.

A raindrop landing on your cheek is a kiss
from someone that lives in heaven and is watching over you.

There’s a certain age where you can no longer use the term:
“good girl gone bad”.
it’s more like:
“her old a** should know better”.

It really gets you mooooving.

Don’t rush me.
i’m still deciding whether to be productive today or not!
Decisions, decisions. Oh wait, bills.

i almost went to the toilet without my phone!
I would be so lonely!
Let’s find them.

When i’m quiet, those that don’t know me look at me and think i’m shy.
people who know me think: omg! She’s thinking!
everyone run for your life!
They are scared.

When your mom tries to yell out your name
but she calls every other person in the house before she gets to yours.
At any age.

I am be someone’s
crazy aunt.
And proud of it.

Works anytime.

When i was young, i was scared of the dark…
now when i see my electric bill
i’m scared of the light.
Oh so terrifying!

I finally realized it that people are prisoners of their phones
that’s why it’s called cell phones.

I’ve decided i’m not too old.
i’m 25 plus shipping and handling!
Seems legit.

Some of your best memories will come
from some of your most foolish decisions!
Choose wisely.


When i’m with you,
hours feel like seconds,
when we’re apart,
days feel like years.
So much.

The switch.

I have decided that i no longer want to be an adult.
if anybody needs me,
i will be in my tree house coloring and eating fruit loops.
Send the bills elsewhere.