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28 Positive Affirmations Quotes to Inspire You

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Believe

I believe i can be all that i want to be.

Say it. Believe it.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Better Version Of Myself

I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.

You are.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Choosing

I choose to make the rest of my life, the best of my life.
-louise hay


Positive Affirmations Quotes  Courage

I am courageous.
i am willing to act in spite of any fear.

Take a deep breath and act.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Freedom

I have the freedom and power to create the life i desire.

Believe it.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Stay Calm

I shall stay calm in moments of stress and anxiety,
so as to allow positive thoughts and actions
to manifest from me.
leon brown

I stay resilient.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Forgive

I lovingly forgive and release all of the past.
i choose to fill my life with joy.
i love and approve of myself.
-louise hay

I release it.

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Positive Affirmations Quotes  Life In Order

I am now putting my life in order,
preparing to accept all the good that is coming to me now.

I am preparing for it all.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Love

I am loved, loving and lovable.

You are everything.

Positive Affirmations Quote  Beautiful Soul

I am a beautiful soul and i shine my light for all to see.

Shine it!

Positive Affirmations Quote  Healthy

I deserve to be healthy and feel good.

You do!

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Peaceful Mind

I wake up with a peaceful mind and a grateful heart.

I am open.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Negativity

I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind.

Just let it go.

Positive Affirmation  Gratefulness

I am grateful for every blessing the universe has
and will ever create for me.

Appreciate it.

Positive Affirmation Quotes  Kindness

I choose to be kind to myself.

Be good.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Wonderful

Something wonderful is about to happen to me.

Something is!

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Strength

I am brave, fearless, bold & strong.

I am everything.

Positive Affirmation &Amp; Quotes  Possibilities

My possibilities are endless.

They are.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Forgive

I forgive myself and set myself free.
louise hay

I need to let it go.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Failure

I am not afraid to fail and go again.

And again and again.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Energy

I am full of energy and vitality
and my mind is calm and peaceful.

So peaceful.

Positive Affirmation Quote  Change

I am open to change and have replaced my anxiety with peaceful acceptance.

Peaceful and calm.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Good Things

Good things are going to happen.

Say it!

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Worthy

I am worthy of my dreams.

You are!

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Improvement

I am always improving. Today i have the knowledge i need.
i’m exactly where i need to be.

I’m ready. The universe is aligning for me.

Positive Affirmations Quotes  Life

Today will be what it is.
i will be who i am.
and there will be beauty in both.

I’ll take it.

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