30 AI Art Fails That Are Both Horrifying And Hilarious

When A.I. tries its hand at art… and hilarity ensues!

This masterpiece brought to you by A.I. and a whole lot of quirkiness!

When the A.I. takes a walk on the wild side!

A.I. humor: 1, Human logic: 0!

Someone gave the A.I. a sense of humor, and the results are pure gold!

When A.I. goes off-script and delivers comedy gold!

A.I. takes a crack at comedy and leaves us in stitches!

The A.I. paintbrush has a wicked sense of humor!

When A.I. attempts to mimic humans, things get wonderfully weird!

Proof that A.I. can make us laugh as much as it can amaze us!

The A.I. definitely has jokes for days!

The A.I. just proved that even machines can have a wicked sense of humor!

When A.I. goes rogue and channels its inner comedian!

This A.I.-generated masterpiece proves that laughter knows no boundaries!

A.I. has unlocked the secret to humor, and it’s ridiculously funny!

When A.I. becomes the master of witty comebacks!

If laughter is contagious, this A.I.-generated image is an epidemic!

The A.I.’s punchline game is on point!

In a world of serious algorithms, A.I. finds its funny bone!


i meaaan sure

Miley ? is that you ?