30 Crazy Times Architects Failed So Badly

Whoever designed this building must have been playing Jenga with the blueprints

This building looks like it was designed by a toddler with a box of Legos

I’m pretty sure this is what happens when you let an accountant design a skyscraper

This building is proof that not all architects are created equal

I don’t know what’s more confusing, the layout of this building or the architect’s thought process.

This building is like a bad haircut, it’s hard to look at but you can’t look away.

I hope whoever designed this building didn’t get paid by the hour, because they clearly didn’t spend enough time on it.

I’m pretty sure this building was designed by someone who hates windows

This building is like a game of Tetris gone wrong

I’ve seen better architecture on Minecraft.

Whoever designed this building clearly skipped geometry class

Looks like the architect was playing Jenga with the blueprints.

This building is proof that not all architects are created equal

I’m pretty sure the architect was trying to make a statement, but I’m not sure what that statement is.

Who needs straight lines when you have a wavy building like this?

It’s like the architect wanted to design a building that would give people a headache just by looking at it

I’m not sure if this building is a work of art or a mistake

Looks like the architect was trying to channel their inner Salvador Dali.

I’m pretty sure the architect was trying to make a statement about the laws of physics, and failing miserably.

This building is the perfect example of form over function, and neither form nor function were achievedThis building is so ugly, it’s a crime against architecture

This building is so ugly, it’s a crime against architecture

looks like the architect was on a budget and decided to cut some corners…literally

I wonder if the architect was aiming for ‘unique’ or just missed the mark completely

I didn’t know it was possible to create something this ugly out of bricks and mortar

The architect must have been playing Jenga when they came up with this design

This building is a perfect example of what not to do in architecture school.

I think even Frankenstein’s monster would be ashamed to call this building its home

This building is so bad, I’m surprised it’s still standing

This building is like a bad hair day, but for architecture