30 Epic Dad Jokes To Laugh At With Friends

lol, hope you get your vaccine!

Good one

So sad LOL

I wonder what an apple car would look like

Why would you fight over a thesaurus lol

Thanks for asking

The genie outsmarted him

Literally, this is a good one

That’s a good friend

She should learn how to draw eyebrows

Need to go on a literal Apple Watch LOL

Thanks for contributing nothing

LOL maybe

Good old Frankenstein

She can’t fool me

Come on son

That is a place no one wants to go


They had to drink alone, poor guys


That is a good bargain

Office romance

the printer just wanted to jam

silly officer LOL


HAHAHAHA what goes around comes around

Heya Heya y0!

LOL, Do you invest in bitcoin?

how dare she

be careful what you ask for in relationships