30 Epic There I fixed it Pictures To Laugh At

That’s a lot of AC units

No matter how badly I need to use the toilet I will never use this

When your AC is broken

This car can bump into anything and it will be okay

That’s just doesn’t look safe

This seems like a good idea lol

hahaha, They really cut a hole in the wall instead of moving the object

This seems like a good way to fix frayed wires, what’s a little shock anyway

They forgot to put the second floor in

Why do the stairs look like this, what were they thinking?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

I think they put the lamp in the wrong place

When you drop your iPod too much

World-class security system

When you are tired of people coming into your room

Is that the steering wheel?

this seems very secure

did this person just discover infinite power

The washing machine just makes too much noise

When your child wants a swing but you’re broke


When you’ve always wanted a convertible so you make your own one

This actually looks like a good idea

Snow is no problem for this car

Those are some good parking spaces

I have no words for this fashion disaster

When it is too expensive to rent a U-Haul

This is cool

When you’re tired of losing the remotes

It doesn’t get more secure than this