30 Funny Pics That Describe America Perfectly

bernie sanders is that u

this is my area lol


What in the america is going on


No regrets i would do the same

hahahahaha just use the metric system

Im loving it

hahaha then why ???

woah , i lost brain cells reading this

She cant be serious lol

washing machines !?

predictably lol

this is just bad lol

thermofeet Looool

Woah , justice for ukraine !!!!!

HAHAHAH those are the 2 most american things

rember !!!!!

this is an intense game lol

I need Answers !

Guess they took it

There so much going on lol

UUHHHHH excuse me

for crying !!! no way


hahahah deal


why would the measure in feet lol !

we love to see it

yup welcome to america

pokemon !!!!!

just a school ID !!! WOAH