30 Great Motivational Quotes for Teachers That Are Truly Inspirational

A teacher takes a hand,
opens a mind,
and touches a heart.
Did you do that?

Be the teacher who when given the hard class says,
“these aren’t hard kids, these are my kids. ”
That’s the right kind of teacher trait.

The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters.
the hardest thing about being a teacher is that it
matters every day.
–todd whitaker
Yep, you do matter.

It takes a big heart
to teach little minds.
Thank you.

The children you teach may not remember you
when they get older, but they will always have a
part of you inside them…
the part that gave them hope and love
and taught them to believe in themselves.
-marilyn appelbaum
Help them believe in themselves.

Educators are the only people who lose sleep
over other people’s children.
Thank you.

I am enough of a realist to understand that
i can’t reach every child, but i am more of an
optimist to get up every morning and try.
-preston morgan
And that’s why you’re a superhero.

The future of the world is in my classroom today.
-ivan welton fitzwater
Great way of looking at things!

I facilitate thinking
i engage minds
i listen to questions
i encourage risk
i support struggle
i cultivate dreams
i learn every day
i teach.
And you do it day in and day out.

I just like to teach.
teaching’s my favorite.
I’m glad!

May your coffee be strong
and your students be calm.
The teacher’s blessing.

My teacher thought i was smarter than i was
– so i was.
Ah, the power of a teacher.

The influence of a good teacher
can never be erased.
And that’s a great thing.

Only the brave teach.
Few are brave.

Sometimes the thing your students need most,
has nothing to do with what’s on your
lesson plan.
Go with it.

The best teachers are those who show you
where to look but don’t tell you what to see.
Teach them to see for themselves.

Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that
last a life time.
People grow because of you.

Teaching is hard because it matters.
Stay strong.

What do teachers do?
inspire, persist, celebrate, love, plan,
organize, heal, listen, lead, model,
differentiate, forgive, program, question,
professional development, meet, learn,
write, read, care, cry, laugh…
So much!

In case no one told you today,
you are a great teacher.

Teachers help students find important things
they’ve lost everyday.
sometimes it’s a paper, backpack, or jacket…
other times it is courage, confidence or a smile.
And it means so much.

Teaching children is an accomplishment;
getting children excited about learning is an achievement.
-robert john meehan
What a great thing.

To the world you may be just a teacher
but to your students you are a hero!
You are a superhero!

Every kid is one caring adult away
from being a success story.
So…go shape some minds.

The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan,
follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your students,
is the day you really become a teacher.
Take risks, follow your heart.

Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.
-nelson mandela

Strive for progress, not perfection,.
Little things add up.

Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.
-helen keller
Do it together.

When one teaches, two learn.
-robert heinlein
The magic of teaching.

Don’t struggle to be a better teacher
than everybody else. Simply be a better
teacher than you ever thought you could be.
-robert john meehan
It’s simple.