30 Hilarious Recreations of Celebrity Photos

the friend who lent his leg is a real on

the canon camera strap lol

why is this so accurate

lol why is there a random roll of toilet paper

the stand looks so accurate

not the chicken feet lol

are those his nipples lol

the hair is spot on

the tortillas are killing me

he went all in

i see no difference if you as me

are those shrimp ?

His knees !

he beat Billie Eilish if you ask me

good one

if DIY was a person lol it would be him

gotta give it to him he is mad creative


this is accurate

who wore it better

nailed the hairstyle

his looks way comfier

what’s on his head

i love his version of the picture ALOT MORE LOL

its the tattoo for me

is that a grater!

now that’s fashion

loving the graters lol