30 Horrible Times Product Designers Failed To Consider The Practicality Of Cleaning
This is a jungle room , so bad lol
leaning this object is like solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded.
Cleaning this feels like a never-ending game of “find the hidden dirt.”
Whoever thought of this design clearly didn’t consider the cleaning crew.
Cleaning this object is like untangling a knot of spaghetti with a toothpick.

I have a feeling this object will require an entire bottle of cleaning spray.
Cleaning this is like a workout in itself. Who needs a gym membership?
Whoever designed this must have a PhD in complicating cleaning processes.
Cleaning this object should come with a survival guide.
If I had a penny for every nook and cranny in this object, I’d be a millionaire.
Cleaning this is like a never-ending battle against dust and grime.
Can someone please invent a self-cleaning version of this object?
This object is proof that cleaning can be a form of torture.
Cleaning this makes me appreciate the simplicity of a plain, smooth surface.
I’m convinced that cleaning this is a punishment from an alternate universe.
If only there was a magic spell to make this object self-clean.
Cleaning this object is like navigating a maze with a mop.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an ancient curse on this object that requires eternal cleaning.
Cleaning this is like playing a game of “spot the stain” on expert level.
Whoever thought this design was a good idea clearly never had to clean it.