30 Truly Funny Tweets You Just Have To Read

This is so Sick!

LOL that’s what best friends are for

This is true

HAHAHAHA Prevention is better than treatment

Now this is motivation

Which one are you lol

Professors just don’t care

What do you do when your preschool teacher gives you a sticker with ” Abnormal” on it LOL

SO TRUE! weekends aren’t fun, but its better than nothing

This is freakishly specific and true LOL

lol so confusing

I wouldn’t know if i should be proud or disappointed

I think we should all start speaking like this


SO TRUE someone should invent this app


This is kinda creepy

What a legend

The truth hurts smh

I’m not sure how to feel about this

HAHAHA from now on owls will only be known as wood penguins

This would make a lot of sense

That’s one way to find seating

there’s always that one person that thinks they know it all, don’t be that guy

This Grandmother is a legend!

Do better queen

Looks completely innocent to me LOL

Now that’s art LOL

This looks like alien eggs, ew

Dentists need to explain this lol