33 Insane Ideas That Where Executed Better Than Expected

why would you need this?

The Grinch who stole my heart

this is a cool idea !

She has too much time on her hands

is this a crack head ginger bread house ?

this is horrifying!

he was too lazy to go to the gym so he just got his abbs tattooed!

let me give you a hand

tire buddha is kinda cool!

who had this bright idea and why

Woah now this is a look

Mator , is that you

haha that blue limo looks so cool!

the pattern on this floor looks so real!

its called fashion look it up

this just made Christmas a whole lot better

he just took it too far lol

they decided to make a microscopic toilet

when you’re filthy rich but have no taste

hahaha he vacumes the outside of his car

there’s no way that’s a cake !

where would you wear this?

what in the …

bread beanie

this is also kinda sick !

skull – apple

i know shrek when i see shrek lol

hhahaha well this is different

why ???

now this is a hairstyle

this one is actually pretty cool

noooo those were not a good idea for the 9/11 parade

why did it have to come out of his back side though lol