36 Dog Shaming and Other Pet Shaming Pics That are Truly Hilarious

Great example of pet shaming pics on display!

That’s not a good breakfast.


Even chickens get shamed.

Mean chicken.

Dog shaming these sinners!

That was some shaming.


His stomach looks like he ate his brother too!

I bet you wake up your humans too.


The little one sees no shame.

Why? There are so many other things to eat.

Pet shaming knows no limits!

Yoda and the force is no match for good boys!

But he’s so cute, I think PetSmart didn’t mind!

Good boy!

Poor bun.

Mean little bunny.

Seems legit.

Probably the best call they got.

Oh that’s creative.

He was just too friendly.

Still cute though.

Freya, think of what your namesake would say!

Oh..not a Merry Christmas.

Bad parrot.

But why?!

Death to toast.

Yeah he looks it.

Some cats like catnip…some like Goldfish.

Even fish can be shamed.

Oh quit horsing around, you two.

You don’t live up to your name.

Just when they thought it was safe to go into the water.