An angler out on Lake Lake St. Clair In Michigan has recently caught a fish that’s not supposed to be there, a Pacu.
Yeah, so an angler recently caught a pretty big (12 inches) Pacu out on Lake St. Clair up in Michigan. I’m sure you all know this South American fish from the show River Monsters, the fish with crazy human like teeth that are rumored to bite off dude’s testicles. These fish are a distant relative of the Piranha and can grow up to fifty pounds. It is believed that someone owned this crazy looking fish and just dumped it in the lake when it got to big for it’s tank. I mean how else would it get there right? Well any ways, if you plan on swimming in Lake St. Clair you might want to be careful, there is no telling how many more of those little guys are swimming around in there. You can read the full article on this here.