22 Of The Funniest Pictures Ever
22 Of The Funniest Pictures Ever

Too real.

They should sell this sign at every party store.


And if not, there’s whiskey.

And rabid!

Seems legit.


He’s so polite!

But liquid zoo is so much better!

Dumbo, is that you?

This salad tastes like it ought to be a cheeseburger.

Choose the first.

And something happen!

Betty White, always with the burns.

Wait until you what they make the cat do!

At least she’s polite. Slow, but polite.

Or trees!

Don’t go to talking to anyone who says they’re a fairy godmother, either.

Scuba baby.

Now everyone is going to blaming everything on me!

Good donkey.

I guess my mind can ignore it for the sake of you being here though..
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