17 Funny 737 Max Meme Pictures That’ll Take Flight Faster Than Well The 737 Max
So the FAA has finally decided that the 737 Max is safe to fly (again). Europe’s equivalent, JAA and Transport Canada however have decided not to simply rubber stamp their approval and are taking a wait and see approach. The $64,000 question is whether passengers will trust the 737 Max again. Why $64,000? Well when it comes to safety, it seems there is a price to pay. Will airlines charge less for flights on the 737Max? Will passenger buy tickets on 737 Max if it’s cheaper than one on an Airbus? Only time will tell. In the meantime, check out these 17 Funny 737 Max Memes that’s taking flight while most 737 Maxes remain grounded!

Yep. Came a long way.

Shouldn’t have looked at that emergency exit card.

Which is it?

Is this the beginning of Skynet?

This is what most 737 Max software engineers were busy doing…

Well, that’s one way to fix it!

While it’s not got the best safety record… It’s got the best environmental record!

Who’s gonna pay?

Standard disclaimer when buying a ticket on a 737 Max?

Is that LEVEL 5 autonomy?

What was once airborne and kills you quicker than covid? 737Max.

Gotta go down and pick it up.

They blamed the 737 Max crashes on software…

Maximum laughs.

Accurately modeled!

Way to fight back Boeing.

Match made in heaven…(pun intended)