19 Funny 2021 Predictions to Start the year off right

The best funny 2021 predictions, will it be our year or won’t it…. *Queue dramatic music*

We have already aged 10 years from 2020 alone!

Lockdown weight gain IS REAL

The future is here!

Hilarious 2021 predictions: the vaccine back fires!

Someone make it make sense.


The good old days.

2021 Predictions: we all become our best selves and forget 2020.

You can thank us later.

Say it ain’t so!

hahahahahaha… NO.

Disappointing predictions for 2021: It lets us down too

uNdEr nEw mAnAgEmEnT.

oh sweet, naive Bart…

“Just pretend you don’t see it” Is the motto for 2021.

Will we ever get over 2020.

Whatever happens, there will ALWAYS be memes.