20 Funny Chinese Proverbs to Impart Wisdom and Humour
The Chinese recorded history spans over 5000 years. As wisdom is accumulated through the ages, we can learn and laugh a lot at these wise and funny Chinese proverbs pass down through the generations. There are ageless wisdom for men, sage advice for women, and practical advice for everyone. Enjoy!

Those who run in front of cars get tired.
those who run behind cars get exhausted.
How true.

Those that stand on toilets
are high on pot.
Why else would you stand on toilets?

Someone who streaks on his way to the office…
is unsuited for his job.
Hands up how many of you have streaked to the office?

A man who has a hand in his pocket…
feels cocky all day.
So that’s its pet name?

A man that keeps his feet firmly grounded…
has trouble putting on his pants.
Will have to resort to kilts then.

A man who sinks into a woman’s arms…
will soon find his arms in her sink.
That’s love.

Those who jump off a cliff…
jump to a conclusion.
A fitting end.

A man who fishes in another man’s hole…
will often catch crabs.
And worse!

Those who eat crackers in bed…
will wake up feeling crummy.
Never thought of it that way.

Those that get hit by a car…
will get that run-down feeling.
Funny I’d never expect that.

He who pees on an electric fence…
will receive shocking news.
Always had the urge to pee on fences… dunno why!

Those that sneeze without a hanky…
take matter into their own hands.
A sage advice for COVID-19 mask refusers.

Those who make mistakes on an elevator…
are wrong on so many levels.
So so many…
That’s one way to put it!

She who goes camping…
must beware of any evil intent.
Better bring protection.

A boy who goes to sleep with a hard problem…
wakes up with the solution in hand.
Coming of age problem!

A passionate kiss, similarly to a spider’s web…
leads to the undoing of the fly.
Is it a trap?

The thing is though, virginity is like a bubble…
just one prick and it’s all gone.
Yes…just one prick.

A foolish man gives his wife a grand piano.
a wise man gives his wife an upright organ.
Upright organ sounds so much fuller.

It is not until a mosquito lands on a man’s testicles…
that he realizes violence is not always the best solution.
Neither is diplomacy in this case!