21 Funny Minion Pictures with Sayings You’ll Love

They say the only way to get over a broken heart
is to fall in love again.
so i fell in love with myself.
best relationship in my life.
Sounds right.

All it takes is 1 song to bring back 1000 memories.
They just come rushing back.

Family is not about blood.
it’s about who is willing to hold your hand
when you need it most.
Family is what you make it.

I think the clutch has gone in my butt…
because i can’t get my a** into gear!

Dear life, what the hell are you trying to do to me???

Why i always forget what i want to remember
and remember what i want to forget?
Vicious cycle. Or was it vicious circle?

Friends are the fruitcake of our lives.
some are nutty, some are soaked in alcohol,
some firm, some sweet, but altogether,
they are great to have in your life.
Friends must be treasured.

Of course i speak my mind.
my head would explode if i kept all this b*tching to myself!
Gotta share it.

the joy of watching someone get what they deserve!
the ability to sit back and enjoy the show
and keep your mouth shut.
Just watch.

Do you ever just wake up and go “nope”
.. And roll over and go back to sleep?
Who doesn’t?

Most of the time…
when you’re crying, nobody notices your tears.
most of the time…
when you are hurt, nobody feels your pain.
most of the time…
when you are happy, nobody sees your smile.
but when you fart just one time…
One time.

What’s the right age to stop running naked
from the bedroom to the bathroom?

When i am home alone,
every noise i hear is a serial killer!

I’m so old,
that i’ve actually dialed a rotary phone before,
while listening to an 8 track,
next to a black & white tv
with alunimum foil on top of its rabbit ear antennas!

Nothing is permanent.
don’t stress yourself too much because
no matter how bad the situation is… it will change.
It will.

Yes i am a strong person, but every now and then,
i also need someone to take my hand and say
everything will be ok!
It will.

I’m not half as crazy as i look…
i’m twice as crazy!

To my daughter who likes to argue with me.
where do you think your attitude comes from?
give it up. I have decades more experience than you do.
Mom knows all.

You will never look like the girl in the magazine.
the girl in the magazine doesn’t even look like
the girl in the magazine.
Believe these.

But mom, what if i get kidnapped?
trust me, they’d bring you back.
They’d be so tired of you.

All positions for stupid people in my life
have been filled.
no more applicants need apply.
thank you.
No more.