21 Positive Quotes for a Great Week

Allow yourself to feel scared and hesitant
but don’t allow yourself not to try.
Just feel it and then try.

Be kind.
be patient.
be generous.
be accepting.
be all of these things to yourself.
that is where it begins.
Be giving.
And go for it.

Next week.
beast mode on!
Time to destroy it!

Once in a while, blow your own d*mn mind!
You owe it to yourself.

Your children will become who you are;
so be who you want them to be.
Who do you want them to see?

Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
You are amazing.
It’s the way.
Do it!
What do you show?

My mom taught me a woman’s mind
should be the most beautiful part of her.
A woman’s mind is amazing.

I am a passionate, creative woman.
i don’t have all the answers, but i know my worth.
it took me a long time to accept me for who i am.
i will not tolerate being around anyone
who makes me feel anything less.
You are!
Get things done, don’t just be busy.

Stop making excuses,
and start making changes.
Or you’ll just be stuck.
What do you see? It’s all about perspective.

It is amazing how your life changes
when you embrace the reality that
you’re better
than the life you’ve settled for.
–steve maraboli
You deserve a better life.

Sometimes i just look up, smile and say,
i know that was you, god!
He’s working for you.

Leaving home in a sense involves
a kind of second birth in which
we give birth to ourselves.
–robert neelly bellah

The mistakes people make are usually labeled as experience.
but with a true mistakes there will be no experience gained.
So go ahead, make the mistakes.

God has perfect timing;
never early, never late.
it takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith
but it’s worth the wait.
Just wait.

Sometimes you’re not given what you want
because something better is planned for you instead.
Keep working towards it in the mean time.

Over-planning kills magic.
Sometimes you just have to trust.

The magic isn’t in a year.
it is in a day.
an hour.
in a minute.
look forward to each new day and less to new years.
-jm storm
Embrace that magic every day.