30 Amazing and Inspirational Quotes for Everyone Who Needs Some Help

Be a nice human
It’s so easy to do.

Butterflies can’t see their wings.
they can’t see how beautiful they are,
but everyone else can.
people are like that.
Know you’re beautiful and wonderful.

Compliment people
magnify their strengths,
not their weaknesses
They could use it.

And then one day,
i discovered my own light,
my own inner-gangster.
i snatched my power back
and the game changed.
Amazing and inspirational quotes to help you step up your game.

Don’t get mad.
don’t get even.
do better.
much better.
rise above.
become so engulfed in your own success
that you forget it ever happened.
Rise above it all!

Be an encourager.
the world has plenty of critics already.
-dave willis
The world doesn’t need one more.

Maybe sometimes you have to lose
who you were to find out who you are.
It can be an adventure.

Stay strong,
make them wonder how you’re still smiling.
Then shock them by showing how great you are.

Miracles come in moments.
be ready and willing.
-wayne dyer
Amazing and inspirational quotes to help you be ready for miracles.

The two most powerful warriors are
patience and time.
It can be annoying waiting for them though.

You should see her since she gave
herself permission to rise.
-rebecca ray
Just look at her now.

A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.
-ruth graham
It’s compromise and forgiveness.

Be a warrior, not a worrier.
The worry won’t help but the warrior will help you conquer other things.

Be picky about who you keep around you.
personalities, words, and traits do rub off
Amazing and inspirational quotes to guide your choice of friends.

Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.
Even if it doesn’t seem like it when you’re in the middle of it.

The acftivity you’re most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity.
-robin sharma
What are you avoiding?

There are certain people that’ll inhabit a small
quiet space inside your heart despite any circumstances,
And that’s okay.

Stay close to people who feel like sunlight.
Let them shine. Help them shine even.

Suffering is not holding you,
you are holding suffering.
Powerful amazing and inspirational quotes to remember.

A self that goes on changing
is a self that goes on living.
-virginia woolf
Change is part of life.

Let’s root for each other
and watch each other grow.
Doesn’t that sound nice?

Your soul is attracted to people the same way
flowers are attracted to the sun,
surround yourself only with those who want to see you grow.
You owe it to yourself.

Often times we can’t find out
who we truly are unless we leave bad situations
that are hindering our growth spiritually,
mentally and emotionally.
It can be hard, but do what you have to do.

To that one soul reading this:
i know you’re tired.
you’re fed up.
you’re close to breaking,
but there’s strength within you,
even when you feel weak.
keep fighting.
Keep going, warrior.

Mental health is not a light switch you can turn on and off.
it’s a dial you, and only you, learn how to manage.
And you can. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Your story could be the key that unlocks someone
else’s prison.
don’t be afraid to share it.
Tell it.
One of the most memorable amazing and inspirational quotes.
Be that person.

Know who you are.
know what you want.
know what you deserve.
and don’t settle for less.
–tony gaskins
You don’t deserve less, you deserve more.

Until we have met the monsters in ourselves,
we will keep trying to slay them in the outer world.
for all darkness in the world
stems from darkness in the heart.
and it is there we must do our work.
–marianne williamson
Meet them, fight them, celebrate your success. Share this and the rest of our amazing and inspirational quotes today.