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21 Boxing Day Memes That You Won’t Want to Take Back

Boxing Day Memes  Cat Heaven

The cats love boxing days!

Boxing Day Memes  No More Happy Birthday

Boxing day..the day when you take your presents back because you didn’t like them.

Boxing Day Memes  Stay Sane

Stay strong, retail workers! Then indulge your sorrows in some memes.

Boxing Day Memes  Little Victories

Nailed it!

Boxing Day Memes  Boxer Day

Wrong kind of boxing day. Sad face emoji.

Boxing Day Memes  Well Earned

Santa is tired!

Boxing Day Memes  Shopping On Boxing Day

It’s such a stressful time.

Make Your Own Funny Memes Here!

TFB Trending Posts

Boxing Day Memes  Opening Presents

No, we’re taking presents back!

Boxing Day Memes  Need More

Boxing day!

Boxing Day Memes  Social Distance Be D*Mned

They’re coming!

Boxing Day Meme  Eating Healthy

Nice day!

Boxing Day Meme  Enjoy Your Treason While You Can

She’s still not over it.

Boxing Day Meme  Total Tools

Take it back!

Boxing Day Memes  Sorry

Sorry… sorry…

Boxing Day Memes  Day After Tomorrow

Enjoy the stuff we got?

Boxing Day Memes  Pre Christmas Day

But the sales! The sales!

Boxing Day Memes  Budget For Boxing Day


Boxing Day Memes  Celebrate It

How dare they not appreciate boxing day memes!

Boxing Day Memes  What'S Christmas

Call christmas what it is.

Boxing Day Memes  Let It Begin

Here they go…

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