23 Inspirational Quotes on Change and New Beginnings

Are you ready? Even just deciding to make a change is the beginning of an adventure.

Start here. Start now. Let’s go! What are you waiting for? You can always start over and change your story.

The decision doesn’t always come easy, however. Do you think you need to make it? Then do.

Yes, but you also open the door to possibility.

Edison had many failed inventions but he knew he also had unlimited possibilities. So do you. You will come to find them.

It may not seem like it, but the road ahead has plenty to love.

What can you change? Even the smallest change is still a change, and can have a domino effect?

You’re going to be so thankful when its over, and you’ll be stronger too.

Too often we overthink change, and feel paralyzed because the conditions aren’t “right.” They may never be right. Make the change anyway.

Every drop of rain adds up to a puddle, a lake, an ocean. Start small, grow bigger.

Do you know? Is it time to ask yourself?

You only owe living the best life to yourself. That’s it.

It’s often messy and sometimes you don’t know where you’re going, but it’s the most important part. It’s where you decided to make a change or take a step.

Just think of everything you can learn on this voyage.

Sometimes it’s not always obvious where that is, however.

No one, not even you, deserves to be unhappy.

It sucks, but it’s also great because you learn about who you are and what you’re made of.

What will be your direction??

Keep telling yourself this. It’s okay.

If you can just change yourself and nothing else, don’t fret. Make the changes you can, and the rest will follow.

It’s life’s gift to us. Use it.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Not everything is going to be able to be changed easily, but whatever you can do, do.

Know this. You could make just one small step and ignite a whole new set of changes in your life. Will you?