28 Funny Shopping Memes for Any Shopping Fan

Things girls love to hear:
1. I love you
2. That’s on sale.
Yep. Also “dessert comes free.”

Just let me shop & no one gets hurt.
Simple request.

Nothing haunts us like the things we didn’t buy.
I could’ve bought that. I loved it.

I really need new clothes.
-me, every morning
Also me: It’s time to wear the same 6 shirts.

Because it’s shop o’clock somewhere.
And now it is here. I’m making it so.

shopping is a sport.
And the best kind.

The worst part about online shopping
is having to get up and go get your card out of your purse.
I should have it memorized by now.

My favorite emails are the ones
that let you know your order has shipped.
But when the tracking information isn’t updated…ugh.

Happiness is…
receiving what you ordered online.
Especially if it was on sale.

Saturday is for shopping.
(online, & in bed. )
And Sunday!
Just keep it simple.

Me: should i buy it?
brain: no
husband: no
universe: no
me: sold.
Funny shopping memes that speak the truth.

Every woman’s three favorite words:
that’s on sale.


There’s so many things!

The Target challenge.

When you look through your transactions
trying to find a mistake but there’s no mistake
because it was you.
it was all you.

Why so much though?

No matter how bad it gets,
i’m always rich at the dollar store.
Dollar, dollar, dollar.

Silly girls,
black friday is for amateurs.
real women shop all the time.
You take that time when you can.

I must’ve tracked you a thousand times..

I need to stop.
i whispered to myself as i clicked add to cart.
“I won’t.”

I’ll never forget you.

Online shopping.
because it’s frowned upon to be in a store with no bra,
sweatpants, and a glass of wine.
Plus shopping outside has people.

Dear lord,
please don’t let my husband be home
when all my online orders arrive.
The prayer.

Is it hear yet?

I wish retail therapy was covered by my health insurance.
It isn’t.

Online shopping
no makeup
no pants
no problem.
No money? Problem.