28 Inspirational Quotes You Need

Can you imagine anything better than loving yourself? It will make others who doubt you or dislike you all the more furious. Show them.

You choose your thoughts and you react to them how you want. Remember.

Sometimes just the journey to what’s to come is exciting. Learn to love it, trust it and honor it.

After all, they are part of you, good, bad, they’re still you.

What’s the perspective you’re going to choose?

Sometimes the easiest choice isn’t the right choice.

Trust me, there are others watching and they see how strong you are.

We can weather any storm, and you’ll come out all the more stronger.

That’s the beauty of a new day.

You aren’t going that way, so why do you keep going behind you?

You can remember it but don’t live in it, or you’ll miss so much in the present and the future.

Our hearts are greater than we know.

So don’t strive for perfection, just enjoy it all.

That’s the key to surviving. We’re all doing it.

Those are the ones you can count on through thick and thin.

Just be you, make your own answers.

Doesn’t the latter sound better anyhow?

Love is one of the greatest feelings there is.

Too often we forget about these things, and let things distract us.

Who will be there for you in the end?

Take a risk, dare to do something bold…you may be surprised!

It will become a habit.

A disorganized mind is a creative mind. Never berate yourself for not having it all together at every minute.

Some would not want us to create, but we create anyhow.

I know it’s hard for you to think this sometimes, but you really are.

Do all things with love.

You set your own limits, and you’re stuck with them. You don’t set limits, and you have no idea what you can do.