30 DIY Winter Decorating Tips
An easy painting project for the kids. Just need paint and q-tips.
Create your own scent.
Twine plus mittens equals a rustic garland.
Glue plastic or real foliage onto plastic wine glasses, then add candle.
Add decor to bedrooms as well!
An inspiration for a mantlepiece.
Slice and glitter paint a tree from wood.

Dollar Tree fruit and sparkling decoupage!
Make colorful gifts for outside, too!
This garland is made from cotton balls and clear fishing line.
All you need are fabric scissors, needle and thread to cover existing pillows.
Grab a few logs from the garage and repurpose them as fun snowmen!
Gather reclaimed wood to make snowflakes.
Paint a snow globe for the front door.
Hit up the dollar store for this simple table centerpiece.
Try your hand at using a chalkboard.
Three simple steps to DIY pinecones.
Use pom-poms to make a wreath.
These glass jars are filled with salt!
Repurpose old skates and sleds, or hit up a thrift store.
Using felt and buttons to stitch a fun snowman.
All you need:Â plastic vases, fairy lights, and pinecones.
Spray paint the decorations a new color each year.
Use this as inspiration for a religiously-themed decoration.
Repurpose your old wine corks as angel ornaments.
Hit up the craft store for these and make your own message with paint.
Don’t neglect your outdoor planters this winter.
Use old sweaters for this project.
Decorate your salt pail this year.
Another way to use wood from the pile.