30 Extremely Funny Times Birds Were Caught Being Jerks
Just winging it.
Birds of a feather flock together…except for seagulls, they’ll steal your lunch.
I’m ruffling some feathers.
I’m so fly, even the birds are jealous
Birds: the original Twitter.
Chirp, chirp! I’m ready to start the day.
I’m feeling pretty fly for a human guy

Don’t be a bird brain
Just perching here, looking pretty.
I’m feeling peckish
Birds: the ultimate early birds.
Be like a bird: spread your wings and fly
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side, duh
I’m nesting for the weekend.
I’m in a fowl mood today.
Just hanging out with my feathered friends
Birds are like little dinosaurs with wings, and I’m here for it
Feeling a little talon-ted today.
Bird watching is my favorite pastime…especially when they’re doing something silly.
I’m a bird nerd and I’m proud of it.
I’ve never met a bird I didn’t like…except for geese, they’re terrifying.
Birds: masters of the art of flight.
I’m a free bird, and nobody can hold me down.
I’m chirping with joy today.
Why did the owl always get good grades? Because it was a wise bird
I’m feeling like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons
Birds make the best alarm clocks, especially the ones that start chirping at 4am.
I’m feeling pretty high on life, just like a bird soaring in the sky.
Some birds just want to watch the world burn…or steal your French fries
Birds are proof that the best things in life are free
Just winging it.