30 Funny Epic Fails That Will Brighten Up Your Day

HAHAHA I wouldn’t use this toilet

most painful of funny epic fails!

someones going to be very lucky!

i would be furious if i found my cheese on the side of my burger

this is just sad

How do you mess up this badly !?


Guess he lives on the roof now lol

So close yet so far away

HAHAHA, Poor guy smh!

Oh no her day is about to take a turn for the worst

This would just be an awkward encounter lol

Now this is just bad luck

lazy level 90000

UHHHHH school supplies must have changed since I was in school

Children are bad news!

How did this even happen lol?


This looks so painful omg

this does not look good lol, ew

these new parenting methods are getting out of hand

this must have been bad for business lol

The customer is gonna be so angry lol

congratulations on 3st LOL


Is that a TV remote ! LOL

Best seats in the house

What a good deal lol

Oh come on, how are you this bad at your job hahaha

I just want to know who is wearing flip-flops in winter?