30 Ridiculous Cars That Some People Actually Thought Were A Good Idea
When your car looks like it’s been through a mid-life crisis and a paintball fight at the same time.
When you ask for a sleek upgrade, but your car thinks it’s auditioning for a sci-fi movie.
Not sure if it’s a car or a failed art project on wheels.
That moment when your car’s modifications are louder than its engine.
When you realize your car has a better sense of humor than you do.
Someone needs to remind my car that “less is more” applies to modifications too.
When your car’s makeover is a cautionary tale in the world of automotive fashion.

I asked for a makeover, not a circus tent on wheels.
Note to self: Next time, specify “cool mods” and not “random garage experiment.”
When your car’s modifications are the punchline to a joke you didn’t know you were telling.