30 strange and Weird Pictures Taken On the Subway

Now this is fashion

Cat scarf

Mona Lisa ? is that you?

When you’re just not a people person

Why does he just casually have a peacock lol

when you’re late to the meeting so you just have it on the subway


I take it she loves the Simpsons

That’s one cool bunny

I love subway sketch artist!

A normal day in London

He is so tired he is using his Twix as a pillow?

That’s one way to get into the Christmas spirit

He got what he deserved

there’s so much going on in this picture LOL

I simply wouldn’t get on the train

Relationship goals lol

I wonder who he voted for lol

This kid is living in 2050

Hahaha wear a must but make it fun

I wonder what his home situation is like

Bubble wrap hat

Surely no one just puts underwear over their jeans and is okay inside lol

Train to heaven

Pet pineapple? sure

I sure hope this was just a Halloween outfit

This is actually a good idea lol

Why didn’t he just ride his bike


same sis, same