32 Sarcastic Quotes, Witty Quotes, or Just Funny Quotes

Just burned 2000 calories
trying to avoid someone i know at walmart.
Sarcastic quotes know no boundaries.

Me: good night.
brain: pssst.
me: what?
brain: what diseases do you think we have?
Let’s think of every option.

I’m never sure if i actually have free time
or if i just keep forgetting sh*t.
Yet another great example of getting old sarcastic quotes?

Listen, i still want to be invited
but i’m not coming.
Witty quote to use for people who cringe at social events.

I’m going to open up a bar called “mommin ain’t easy”
& name the drinks
“i need to shower”
“f*ck laundry”
“mom, mom, mommy, mom”
“i ain’t your maid”
“please stop growing”
& “why the hell is this wet?! ”
Some great ideas start from witty mom quotes!

I hope i never go to jail because
i haven’t memorized a phone number since 2001.
A getting old quote disguised as a witty quote.

I’m at the point in parenting where
“what did i just say?! ”
could either be a threat or a genuine question.
Parenting quotes meet OK Boomer quotes.

You’d think i was wanted for murder
the way i react when someone knocks on my door…
Take the hint… Go away.

Did a cartwheel the other day,
thinking it was like riding a bike.
it’s not.

I love it when i find myself screaming,
“stop screaming!!! ”
at my kids.
that’s how i teach them irony.
Sarcastic quotes that show the meaning of irony!

I hate when a couple argues in public
and i missed the beginning and don’t know whose side i’m on.
A soap opera moment at our favorite furniture store.

Today’s interpretive dance was brought to you by
“there’s a spider on my shirt!!! ”
it will be followed by
“omg where did it go?! ”
Witty quotes meet arachnophobia?!

Had a bad mixup at the store today…
when the cashier said strip down facing me,
apparently she was referring to my credit card.

Coffee is so confident.
it’s just a wet bean and it’s like,
“i’m worth $5. 75, and you need me, b*tch. ”
–alyssa limperis
We do!

Im’ at that age where my mind still thinks i’m 29,
my humor suggests i’m 12
while my body mostly keeps asking if i’m sure i’m not dead yet.
Getting old has its privileges.

How to dress for cold weather:
1. Take your pants off.
2. Get back into bed.
Good advice wrapped in a witty quote!

Remember when plastic surgery was a taboo subject?
now you mention botox
and nobody raises an eyebrow.
The witty pun in this quote can take years off your life.

People are usually shocked
when they find out i’m not a very good electrician.
And the witty pun above can end your life immediately…

I asked my grandpa,
“after 65 years, you still call grandma darling, beautiful and honey. ”
what’s the secret? ”
he said,
“i forgot her name 5 years ago and i’m scared to ask her. ”
It’s better not to ask.

I started a band called 999 megabytes.
still haven’t gotten a gig.
Musician puns that hits the high note.

Did you know on the canary islands there’s not one canary?
and on the virgin isles?
same thing – not one canary there either!
Bet you didn’t expect that one!

I get most of my exercise these days
from shaking my head in disbelief.
Sarcastic quotes that excuse you from working out.

I’d like to thank whomever told my mom that wtf means,
“wow that’s fantastic. ”
her texts are so much more fun now.
Entertainment for life.

I was drinking at a bar so i took bus home.
that may not seem like a big deal to you,
but i’ve never driven a bus before.
A big deal

I finally had “the talk” with my kids.
i told them how some animals eat their young,
so they better get their sh*t together before dinner.
Parenting quotes to live by.

Maybe my mom was right all those years ago.
maybe i won’t be happy until someone loses an eye.
maybe that’s what’s been missing.
Sarcastic quotes that offers sage advice for finding happiness.

I make myself laugh entirely too much
for a sane person.
Is that an example of sarcastic quotes or a psychological self realization?

Me to my children: i would kill and die for you
also me to my children: i am not your maid
and will burn all the sh*t on your
bedroom floors in a massive bonfire
and dance around the flames in glory and rage.
Parenting is an art of perfecting these 2 sides.

My kids in the living room: i’m telling mom!
me from the kitchen: don’t come tell me sh*t!
She doesn’t wanna know!

525 million dogs in the world
and you think i need you?
Sarcastic quotes to solve relationship struggles.

Dear sleep…
i’m sorry we broke up this morning.
i want you back. Xoxoxo
A witty and funny quote for anyone who just needs sleep.